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Monday, September 01, 2003

Esses japoneses sao demais
Agradecam esse link ao tio Danilo

.: posted by Gunter Axel Richard 5:38 AM

assim q por esse treco no meu dominio, vou usar o moveable type

.: posted by Gunter Axel Richard 5:34 AM

Tou com uma raiva tao grande dessa MERDA de blogger...
Eles fodem com o acento sem do nem piedade

.: posted by Gunter Axel Richard 5:33 AM

Balada nessa quinta e nessa sexta. Dj: Larry Tee
Esse picareta toca electro... criou um selo bacana em NY e é dono de uma casa noturna por onde ja se apresentaram Ladytron, Fischerspooner e coisas assim
Vou nos dois dias... na quinta, no AMPGalaxy e na sexta, no shopping light, onde estara também presente o nosso mini-pocket-designer-de-bolso, Binho

.: posted by Gunter Axel Richard 5:31 AM

- Ei! Tem uma coisa embaixo do seu pescoço!
- Ahn?
- XuBaBa

.: posted by Gunter Axel Richard 5:26 AM

Iggy Pop

Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're what's happening
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're an ice machine
We see people brand new people
They're something to see
When we're nightclubbing
Bright-white clubbing
Oh isn't it wild?

Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're walking through town
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We walk like a ghost
We learn dances brand new dances
Like the nuclear bomb
When we're nightclubbing
Bright white clubbing
Oh isn't it wild...

.: posted by Gunter Axel Richard 5:25 AM



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Gunter/Male/21-25. Lives in Brazil/São Paulo/São Paulo/City Butantã (Boo-crazy), speaks Portuguese and English. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Strange Music/weird cartoons.